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Day-Old Chick

تخم مرغ

Day-old Layer Chick

Day-old layer chickens are one of the flagship products of Seamorgh. These chicks are raised in chick-rearing units, adhering to the latest standards and health regulations, and include both layer parent stock and commercial layers.
The parent stock chicks of the Bovans White breed are among the best laying breeds produced by the Institut de Selection Animale (ISA).
Seamorgh, as the exclusive representative of this company in Iran and the region, focuses on breeding layer parent chicks, commercial layers, and high-quality egg production, striving to produce top-quality eggs for domestic consumption and export to the region.
Additionally, Seamorgh sells surplus chicks in the domestic market, which significantly contributes to enhancing the quality of egg production in the country.
Read more about layer chicks and their varieties.

Nutrition of Day-Old Chicks...

Immediately after hatching, do not feed the chicks anything! Generally, newly hatched chicks do not require any water or food for up to 48 hours after birth. The reason for this is that they are nourished from the yolk of the egg before they break free from the shell. This is why newly hatched chicks can be transported from hatcheries to farms without water and food.
So, if you see a freshly hatched chick in an incubator without water or food, do not worry.

Read more...Nutrition of Newly Hatched Chicks

Source: Taken from the website of the Iranian Poultry Union
جوجه یکروزه
تخم مرغ

Day-Old Broilers

Day-old broilers are among the most common types of poultry, representing the largest population compared to other bird species. Broilers can gain up to five times their body weight.
There are various breeds of day-old broilers, categorized based on the type of parent stock. Notable breeds include Ross, Cobb, and Aryan, among others, which are raised at Seamorgh.
Seamorgh is proud to offer its produced chicks to the market with the highest quality and efficiency, adhering to health standards and utilizing the latest breeding technologies.

For more information on broiler chickens and their varieties, read more...

Sales Unit for Day-Old Chicks

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