Egg is a food rich in protein, vitamins, and essential minerals for the body. It is considered a complete food for growth and health.
Eggs contain a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals for the body. Eggs produced by Seamorgh Company are fed with the highest quality feed for poultry and, after collection and final inspection, are delivered fresh to the market under completely hygienic conditions.
One egg can provide:
- 82% of the daily Vitamin D requirement.
- 50% of the daily Folate requirement.
- 25% of the daily Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) requirement.
- 40% of the daily Selenium requirement.
In addition, eggs also contain beneficial amounts of Vitamins A, E, B5, B12, as well as iron, iodine, and phosphorus, all of which are essential nutrients that support a healthy and balanced diet.